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How can nature-connection benefit you and your business? – Learn more at our unique webinars this spring

    Book now to learn about the links between nature, health and pro-environmental action, and how to apply them to yourself and your business.

    The Human Nature Partnership is proud to announce a series of 3 interactive webinars in association with the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management (CIEEM).

    James and Lee use a unique blend of knowledge and experience in their training. This includes green infrastructure, environmental policy and practice, coaching, and the human health and wellbeing benefits of a relationship with nature.

    The sessions are open to CIEEM members and non-members, and take place this April, May and June.

    Tickets are available now for the first event – booking for the other events will open shortly.

    Come and join senior leaders, environmentalists, ecologists, coaches and HR professionals and take away action you can implement in your personal life, and through your work.



    Exploring the health benefits of nature, and models for the human-nature relationship.

    Friday 23rd April 2021, 11am-12pm BST



    The benefits of practicing a personal connection to the natural world, and how to unlock them.

    Thursday 20th May 2021, 11am-12pm BST

    Tickets available soon



    How to activate green infrastructure as part of a ‘landscape psychology’ for individuals and organisations.

    Wednesday 16th June 2021, 11am-12pm BST

    Tickets available soon

    Feedback from previous events:

    ✔ Fascinating links to neuroscience

    ✔ Great knowledge and up to date references

    ✔ It was great to bring in some of the science behind the sense of well-being we feel in nature

    100% of participants felt better informed about the benefits of nature

    100% of participants felt the speakers were very or extremely engaging

    Delegate comments, ‘Unlocking the benefits of nature’, CIEEM June 2020